How Could Your Future Be Different If You Spent the Next 31 Days Doing What You've Been Hiding From?
The success you desire is hiding in the work that you are avoiding, my friend.
NOW is the perfect time to stop avoiding and start doing and I am going to help you!
Join the Do It Scared 31-Day Challenge with me and others where you will:
Uncover those things that you're avoiding that seem so scary, but are really just your primal brain messing with you.
Use my journaling prompts to gain a new perspective on what's holding you back AND how you can move past it.
Set four weekly mini-goals to help propel yourself forward and have accountability check-ins to support your successful completion.
Find the inspiration and motivation to keep going right through the Messy Middle.
Continuing to avoid the things that you know will support your growth journey is costing you:
When you join the Do It Scared 31-Day Challenge you'll join our
Slack Challenge Hub where you'll find:
Invitations to our Challenge Kick-Off and Challenge Celebration Wrap-Up Zoom meetings
Space to ask for special support from your fellow Challenge Change Makers
Weekly goal-setting and accountability check-ins.
Inspirational and motivational posts to help you keep your mindset in the best possible place to ensure your success.
A 31-day Habit Tracker
Daily Powerful Thoughts posts to reflect on and use to keep your momentum flowing
The Do It Scared 31-Day Challenge is like having me in your pocket, guiding you forward, without having to attend any in-person meetings.
You'll spend 31 days taking bold action and doing things you never thought you'd finish.
This is your chance to step into your Future Self.
You'll become someone who does what they say they'll do and you'll get things done!
So take whatever it is that you've been avoiding, and let's spend
these 31 days working on it together!
The next "Do It Scared" 31-Day Challenge runs
Friday, 10/13/23 - Monday, 11/13/23.
Join the Challenge for just $49.
Note: Once you join the Challenge, you'll be given the link to join our Slack Challenge Hub. That is where all the fun and resources will be starting 10/13.
BONUS: Join the Do It Scared 31-Day Challenge by 6pm on Sunday, 10/8 for a special invitation to a group coaching session where you'll hear more about the mindset of success and have a chance to get coached by Jen !
Nervous about the accountability component?
Most of us have been taught to fear accountability because it is meant to shame and blame us when we don't complete what we say we are going to do.
But that's not the kind of accountability I practice.
I am a true believer in accountability without the angst. My job is to lift you up and help you make lots of deposits in your Self-Trust Bank by teaching you how to do the things you'll say you'll do.
THAT'S the kind of accountability you'll find in the Do It Scared 31-Day Challenge!