Jen Laffin
Certified Professional Coach
Master of Arts in Teaching
Mindset Coach
I help high-achieving women who struggle with self-doubt put themselves, their goals, and their dreams on their to-do list and get them done

I know what it's like to be a high-achieving woman who struggles with self-doubt because I was one.
For years I felt such an imbalance in my life. I was unstoppable at doing for others. There wasn't a deadline I didn't meet.
You have a big project? I'm your woman.
I was the PTA president.
I ran my church's Sunday School.
I volunteered to be the Writing Coordinator for the district where I taught.
I coordinated the scholarship drive for our local Optimist Club
I was on the executive board of our local women's club
But showing up for myself? That was a different story.
For years, I worked in a job that I no longer enjoyed because I kept telling myself that I didn't know how to start a business. (I've now started two.)
I've always wanted to write a book but kept telling myself that I didn't ever finish what I started so why bother? (I now schedule writing time on my calendar.)
I've wanted to learn art journaling for years but kept telling myself that I'm a terrible artist. (I bought courses to teach me how to draw and art journal.)
So what changed for me?
I learned to see the thoughts that were holding me back and keeping me in my comfort zone.
I got myself out of confusion, self-doubt, and complacency and into intention, purpose, and commitment.
I went all-in on my goals and dreams and realized how important it was to think thoughts aligned with where I wanted to go and not with where I had been.
And now I help other high-achieving women do the same.
Want to know if I can help you? Schedule an appointment on my schedule below and let's chat.
Bring me one thing that is holding you back from reaching your goal and I'll coach you on it.
It's that simple.
Let's Chat


Fun Fact: I take my new talents at art journaling and now create art quilts. It is SO FUN!