THe 30-Day
Goal Getter BootCamp
Spend 30 days taking intentional, supported action on a goal and go from being a goal-setter to a goal-getter!
The NExt 30-Day Goal GETTER BOOTCAMP runs
Decide what you'll take intentional action on for the 30 days. (This would be a great time to tackle something you've been avoiding!)
Decide what success looks like for this Challenge and make a plan to take intentional action. Break the journey down into steps using our Backward Design Roadmap.
Discomfort is a part of every goal journey. Read the daily emails, participate in the Slack conversation, and attend weekly Office Hours to keep your mind focused and drama-free.
What is a Goal Getter?
A Goal Getter is someone who...
Is willing to leave their Comfort Cave and do hard things because their goals matter to them. They are connected to their WHY.
Knows that the goal journey will be uncomfortable, but they don't let that stop them. They know that discomfort WILL get them where they want to go and they know how to use it to their advantage.
Sees mistakes and missteps as data, and not as a sign that they did something wrong. They don't beat themselves up or judge themselves.
Does what they say they'll do and makes lots of deposits in their Self-Trust Bank. This builds their confidence so they can keep doing hard things.
Experiences self-doubt, but does not make decisions from this place. They know that self-doubt is a part of every goal journey but they refuse to let it drive their car.
Keeps going until they find the success they're after. They are committed to their results and know their success IS inevitable.
When you join the next
30-Day Goal Getter Bootcamp, you'll get:
THE Next Round of the 30-DAY GOal Getter Bootcamp begins On
AUGUST 5, 2024.
Join Here
Meet Jen Laffin
Jen Laffin knows goals.
She also knows the mind drama, procrastination, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and self-doubt that come with them.
And she knows how to get goal-setters through the hard parts so that they can become goal getters -- someone who achieves anything they set their mind to doing.
When you join the 30-Day Goal Getter Bootcamp you'll have 30 days of accountability without the angst, encouragement, education, coaching, and connection to help you get through any of the roadblocks that rise up to keep you from meeting your finish line.
You learn about the Mindset of Success as well as how your brain actually works against you to keep you from achieving your goals.
You'll become someone who doesn't quit on themselves and who shows up to do what they say they'll do.
And that changes everything.
Experience Accountability Without the Angst
Most of us have been taught to fear accountability because it is meant to shame and blame us when we don't complete what we say we are going to do.
But that's not the kind of accountability I practice.
I am a true believer in accountability without the angst. My job is to lift you up and help you make lots of deposits in your Self-Trust Bank by teaching you how to do the things you say you'll do in a way that feels empowering and helpful, not shameful or guilt-filled.
Having this kind of accountability is often the difference between succeeding at your goals and giving up.
Experience accountability in a new way when you join the Goal Getter 30-Day Challenge!
* The Goal Getters Challenge was previously known as The Do It Scared Challenge.